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Who elected President Trump? November 9, 2016

Posted by usdiaspora in 2016 Presidential Race, Benghazi-gate, Donald J Trump, Hillary Clinton, US Politics.
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The answer is really… almost everyone who didn’t want Hillary. That includes a decent number of African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, LGBT-Americans, and even Democrats. The better question might be, “Why did they vote against Hillary?” It was most likely the fact that the majority of Americans, of all stripes, find her to be untrustworthy. Benghazi Lies DO matter!

Not so fast, Newsweek! November 9, 2016

Posted by usdiaspora in 2016 Presidential Race, Donald J Trump, Hillary Clinton.
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newsweek-media-culpaWhile Newsweek is printing out this cover, Arutz Sheva (Israel National News) is calling the election for Trump. They just announced at 1:30 am EDT that with Trump’s victory in Pennsylvania, his road to the White House is secure.


Can we say, “media culpa,” Newsweek?!